Lenore's Checklist

article on Rumford fireplaces.
Components firebrick options and panelized fireboxes
Code issues
Picture Page
Flue Sizes
Flue Sizing Explained
Chimney Caps
Exterior Air
Ash Dumps
Fireplace Size
Metal Chimney Detail
Spark Arresters

More Design Issues

Lenore Passavanti wrote:


I made an outline of the topics I think should be included in your presentation. My list aligns fairly well with the organization of your binder. I will call you in a short while to discuss. I also have slides of a fireplace through construction and would like to share these with you and see if we can use in the course of your presentation.

Thank you,

1. What is a Rumford Fireplace and how does it differ from other fireplaces? See the section on History and the linked article on Rumford fireplaces.

2. What are the components of a fireplace and what are their functions? See the section on Design and the link to Components

3. Steps for designing a fireplace and sizing components. See links from Design page to be read in conjunction with the next page on Code.

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