Lenore's Checklist


1) Which factors affect the "draft" of a masonry chimney - its ability to exhaust all the products of combustion?

2) What is the primary fire protection advantages of a masonry chimney? Choose all that apply. 3) Clay flues are designated by: 4) When an inside chimney with 4" thick walls passes through a combustible wall or floor or roof how close can it be to combustible material? 5) The residential building codes are prescriptive. What does that mean? 6) When a chimney is built as part of a structural masonry or veneer masonry wall how close to the chimney can a combustible window or door frame in contact with the masonry wall be located? Choose all that apply. 7) Should any air space around a masonry chimney be filled with insulation? 8) In seismic design zones masonry chimneys must have at least one 1/2" rebar grouted vertically in each corner of the chimney, tied horizontally with 1/4" pencil rod at least every 18" of vertical lift. Where exactly in the corners should the vertical rebar be placed? Choose all that apply. 9) Things to consider when building a masonry chimney in an energy efficient home. Choose all that apply. 10) "Any mason can lay one brick in ten seconds." How long does it take two masons to build a one story block chimney?

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