Buckley Rumford Fireplaces
Teton County, WY

To: Jan Word
From: Jim Buckley
Subject: EPA Approved


I called our dealer in Jackson, Robert Smiley at Rocky Mountain Supply:

    Rocky Mountain Supply, Inc. 1220 South Highway 89 (Box 9495 83002) Jackson, WY 83001 307 733 6930 rms@rockysinc.com Branch of RMS in Idaho Falls. Justin Hall (owner) Contact: Robert Smiley
Robert assures me that he sells Rumford fireplaces and other masonry fireplaces in Teton County and there is no emissions requirements.

I think the confusion is over terminology. Our Rumford fireplaces are "Masonry wood burning fireplaces (NON-EPA approved)" You are correct in assuming that means a "regular wood burning fireplace" but, even though our Rumfords are clean-burning and efficient, they are also masonry wood burning fireplaces that are exempted from EPA approval and are built on site to the provisions of the building code.

An "EPA APPROVED wood burning fireplace" in the context of these rules means a metal fireplace (basically a stove built into the wall and made to look sort of like a fireplace) that is tested as a stove to the EPA stove standard. That's not what you want - or at least it's not our Rumford fireplace.

All over the country the rules are changing and we are under increasing pressure to meet fireplace emission standards that are equivalent to the EPA stove standard. For more on this trend see http://www.rumford.com/manual.html and the related links. But that is not the situation - yet - in Wyoming. It appears that Teton County is attempting to control emissions by limiting you to one fireplace rather than by requiring the fireplace you build to be tested and meet emission standards.

You should be able to get a permit to build one masonry Rumford fireplace according to the Teton County rules.

Jim Buckley


We are designing a house for clients in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Teton County.

Teton County allows an EPA approved wood burning fireplace. ÊI spoke to the California office of Isokern Fireplaces and they suggested that I contact you.

The actual requirements of Teton County are:

1 - Masonry wood burning fireplace (NON-EPA approved, what I consider aÊregular wood burning fireplace)

1 - EPA APPROVED wood burning fireplace Ê(this is what I am looking for)

Any additional fireplaces must be gas burning only and never able to burn wood, such as Townandcountryfireplaces.net

I would appreciate any information you can give me.


Jan Word
Thomas Callaway Associates, Inc.
2920 Nebraska Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404
310-828-1030 (office)
310-828-1421 (fax)
310-569-3979 (cell)

Fireplace Emissions
Buckley Rumford Fireplaces
Copyright 1996 - 2007 Jim Buckley
All rights reserved.